Ideas to Attract New Long-Term, Loyal Customers.

Creatively Yours Website Design Kettering and Great Yarmouth

In our previous blogs we have focused on making sure that you keep the customers you have gained and to be aware of those early indicators that your customers are starting to move away from you and now we can share some ideas on how to attract and excite visitors into being a new long-term happy customer.

Unknowingly, you may well already be doing some of these activities which is great, you should, as customer experience in the current environment is thought to overtake price and product as the key brand differentiator. Here are a few ways that you can excite your customers in the new ultra-connected digital age.

Share more about your company.

Take your customers and potential customers into your offices virtually and share a little about how you do things. This has the effect of humanising your company and can be as simple as sharing employee stories on social media or as complex as a full online website tour. A number of companies have used this behind the scenes tour idea, such as Movie Studios and recently the Harry Potter Experience, to cement brand loyalty.

Survey your customers to understand them better.

You need to talk to your customers in the right way to excite and interest them, so why not become creative with surveys. Many customers will not complete lengthy surveys but will be happy to answer a simple question so, after you receive an order, why not ask a couple of questions? This data can be used by you to make better decisions and to help your employees to better understand the target audience.

Use Personalisation

Most people say that brands are not tailored to their needs and in a world where major brands like Netflix and Amazon are working harder than ever on personalisation, smaller brands must also commit to this growing consumer trend.

Packaging your products

Most people form a first impression in as little as 39 milliseconds – the problem is that once an opinion is formed it is held onto firmly, even if you present compelling contradictory information. You may have noticed that some of the worlds leading brands focus energy on developing remarkable opening experiences.

Brands like HP, Shopify, and Google all use outside providers to create brilliant experiences from the moment the customer receives their package.

Create a Purpose for your Brand

Today’s customers want to believe that the companies they deal with care about the same causes that they do. As an example, IKEA, as a brand, have positioned themselves as focusing on sustainability by sourcing wood from sustainable forests, using solar energy and controlling water usage in their stores. Finding a cause that aligns with your products or company ethos and maintaining awareness of it with your target audience, will bring long term dividends.

Try a Contest

A contest on social media can increase both your online audience and email sign-ups by as much as 34 percent. Whilst contests do not necessarily build loyal customers, they are an exciting way to start a relationship.

Look for an Under Served Niche

When you as a company targets a smaller group of people. it is easier to build trust and loyalty. Products supplied into a niche generally come with higher profit margins, as their very exclusivity can create positive feelings towards your brand.

Focus on Building Added Value

The core of Brand Loyalty is always value. This is not necessarily just about giving things away or even looking to be the cheapest on the market, but more above giving customers what they need. A great example of this is Amazon Prime where customers are willing to subscribe, not only for faster shipping, but also for the added value they receive in Cloud Storage, Movies and Music.

Try a New Idea

According to a recent study, Pumpkin Spices during the winter months have been shown to evoke positive memories of childhood. Perhaps this is why Starbucks had incredible success when they launched Pumpkin Spiced Latte. In some instances, luck does play a huge part in success, but so is the willingness of companies to take a calculated risk and try something new.

While there are more ways for businesses to develop excitement and engagement in customers and potential customers, you will have noticed that the common component in all of the tactics in this blog is putting the customer first. As soon as the customer is your primary focus for your company, it becomes easier to develop innovative approaches to creating customer excitement.

Creatively Yours…

Creatively Yours Ltd helps businesses like yours succeed online through website design, website development, and our Helponomics system that offers support and training as you need it and highlights areas that could increase your sales.

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