Website Design
Everyone does everything Online now anyway – Don’t they?
Online services, while offering 24/7 convenience, are not without their fair share of niggling issues and drawbacks. Certainly you will be all too aware of the privacy risks that constant connectivity exposes us to, coupled with the threat of data breaches. This is without the problems of needing to have a good internet access –…
Read MoreWhy are visitors not buying from me – Part 3
In the previous blogs, we looked at the first and second biggest loss of purchases, which were “a complicated, confusing or difficult to follow website or sales process” and then “is your website old fashioned, unprofessional or using outdated imagery?” We discussed the fact that there are dozens of articles and reports online, where you…
Read MoreWhy are visitors not buying from me? – Part 2
In the last blog, we looked at the first, and arguably the biggest loss of purchases which was complicated, confusing, or difficult to follow website or sales process. We discussed the fact that there are dozens of articles and reports online where you can find the latest, most up-to-date statistics and complicated information on visitor…
Read MoreWhy are visitors not buying from me?
There are dozens of articles and reports online where you can find the latest, most up-to-date statistics on visitor behaviour. This blog is not one of them. From reading through these articles and reports then comparing them directly with our customer’s feedback, we have narrowed these down to the following issues, which between them account…
Read MoreShowrooming, a term you may not have heard – yet
Aside from being another buzzword flying around, it is a term that has come about based on research focusing on the path that a typical customer would take to purchase. Showrooming is the term used when a customer comes to look at a product in a physical location but then completes the purchase online, possibly…
Read MoreStyle over function? or in other words – Keep it simple!
It has been a trend over many years that high fashion brands, when promoting their products, especially perfumes and aftershaves, generally use very visually exciting imagery, but do tend to leave the viewer a bit stumped as to what the message was. The same can be said for the websites that are produced to act…
Read MoreeCommerce – The challenges SMEs face and the solutions
Companies around the world and of every size and shape, face numerous challenges while everyone adapts to the rush to digital commerce business. Over the years we have written a number of blogs focussed on discussing and offering solutions to some of these challenges and offer some of these again here. Your Customers’ increasing brand…
Read MoreHow Often Should You Back-Up Your Data?
Following on from our recent blog where we, gently, alerted you to the potential dangers that come from opening un-solicited, spam, phishing emails. Imagine now that you have clicked on one of those links and the worst has happened…all of your data is now missing. Sounds like a nightmare, but even if you avoid this,…
Read MoreAvoid False Promises and Fake Search Terms
After a cry of frustration was heard in the office, it suddenly became clear what we should be blogging about this time. False Search terms. So what do we mean by that? Put simply, you type a search term into your choice of search engine, in our case Bio Ethanol fuel and a number of…
Read MoreDo not Hide your Telephone Number
Internet access via mobile, tablets, and PC’s is so quick and easy that we, in line with a great many other companies, will do a quick telephone number look up of a new number, while the phone is still ringing. Almost immediately we can see if it is likely to be a Scam Call Centre,…
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