Are you raring to go or do you have the January blues?

Website and Marketing blog from Creatively Yours website design Great Yarmouth and Kettering

Coming back from any break away from the business, there is a little lag while you mentally bring yourself up to speed and then press forward with the new ideas that you had while away. For some reason this year, it feels like there is a little more lag and not quite so much raring…

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Customer’s now have a Megaphone not just a voice

Customer service from Creatively Yours website design Great Yarmouth and website design Kettering

It is almost certain that, at some time, you will have had a conversation that goes along these lines “Why are you doing XYZ for that customer, it was not part of their order…” usually from your Accounts Manager when looking at budgets. They have an absolute right to ask the question, as their role…

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We have a blog – how does it benefit us?

It is still a commonly asked question – my company has a blog, how can it benefit us? When your company has a blog it is often seen in a fairly un-favourable light. You may well have heard this yourself “oh yes, we have one of those, not sure it does much” or similar words.…

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Selling online is easy – right?

Selling Online is easy right_Website design and development from Creatively Yours website design Great Yarmouth and Kettering

The simple answer is yes, relatively speaking – to an experienced website design and development company, it is no harder to build an e-commerce website than a brochure website. The basics of brand recognition, design, customer journey and simplicity of use are all the same, with the addition of bringing the design decisions across to…

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Style over function? or in other words – Keep it simple!

Style over function? or in other words keep it simple. Website design from Creatively Yours Great Yarmouth and Kettering

It has been a trend over many years that high fashion brands, when promoting their products, especially perfumes and aftershaves, generally use very visually exciting imagery, but do tend to leave the viewer a bit stumped as to what the message was. The same can be said for the websites that are produced to act…

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eCommerce – The challenges SMEs face and the solutions

Companies around the world and of every size and shape, face numerous challenges while everyone adapts to the rush to digital commerce business. Over the years we have written a number of blogs focussed on discussing and offering solutions to some of these challenges and offer some of these again here. Your Customers’ increasing brand…

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How Often Should You Back-Up Your Data?

Following on from our recent blog where we, gently, alerted you to the potential dangers that come from opening un-solicited, spam, phishing emails. Imagine now that you have clicked on one of those links and the worst has happened…all of your data is now missing. Sounds like a nightmare, but even if you avoid this,…

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Terms and Conditions Apply?

Website Design Great Yarmouth and Kettering from Creatively Yours

How long are your Terms and Conditions of Sale – a couple of easy to read pages or do they span numerous pages? The reason for asking relates to problems our customers have had with their other website design and hosting suppliers in the past. To give some sort of context we, as a company,…

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How are Scammers Affecting Your Marketing?

With the recent increases in Energy and Petrol prices, coupled with the worry that everyone has about spiralling costs, it is not necessarily a surprise that a number of, not exactly honest, companies have hit the adverts offering seemingly too good to be true, super efficient heaters and fabulous fuel saving devices. This blog is…

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A quick guide to Google’s Helpful Content Update  

The latest search algorithm update from Google has started to be implemented a little earlier than originally stated by them on the 18th August. The stated aim of this latest change was to help remove AI or computer dictated, or directed if you will, mass content. In order to help the vast majority of website…

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