creatively yours website design news and blog
Website Design News from Creatively Yours, with a dash of Small Business Helponomics. If we feel it will help our customers we will publish it, if we come across useful information we will pass it on. Also from our own desks, perhaps some bits and pieces that might shed some light on running a business.
Why are visitors not buying from me?
There are dozens of articles and reports online where you can find the latest, most up-to-date statistics on visitor behaviour. This blog is not one of them. From reading through these articles and reports then comparing them directly with our customer’s feedback, we have narrowed these down to the following…
Read MoreWhen something goes wrong
In previous blogs, we have discussed the importance of communication with your customer. This becomes especially important when something goes wrong with a delivery. It is doubtful that there is a single supplier in the world, that has not had ‘one of those orders’ where, despite everyone’s best efforts, it…
Read MoreWe have a blog – how does it benefit us?
It is still a commonly asked question – my company has a blog, how can it benefit us? When your company has a blog it is often seen in a fairly un-favourable light. You may well have heard this yourself “oh yes, we have one of those, not sure it…
Read MoreCompeting Online?
First, a home truth – virtually no small or medium business in existence out there has no competitors. And if we are being honest, regardless of your business type or market position, the competition is fierce these days, with a direct effect on your marketing costs. So how are you…
Read MoreWhat is my Return on Investment?
If there is one question that we are asked at the beginning of any project, it is ‘What will my return on investment be?’ To be honest, if this was not asked, we would be worried about working with the company. This is the crucial metric in determining the success…
Read MoreShowrooming, a term you may not have heard – yet
Aside from being another buzzword flying around, it is a term that has come about based on research focusing on the path that a typical customer would take to purchase. Showrooming is the term used when a customer comes to look at a product in a physical location but then…
Read MoreSelling online is easy – right?
The simple answer is yes, relatively speaking – to an experienced website design and development company, it is no harder to build an e-commerce website than a brochure website. The basics of brand recognition, design, customer journey and simplicity of use are all the same, with the addition of bringing…
Read MoreThe big killer is the lack of – we are sorry
Whilst taking a, seemingly rarer, break from work and scrolling, and for that read deleting, my way through the endless news stories, I came across a headline that caused me to pause and read. “Bus takes more than three hours from Norwich to Blofield – Norwich Evening News It should…
Read MoreDo you have a brand?
In conversations recently and in our last blog – Social Media should you? The question of being clear on who you market to was raised. An important part of this same question is – what do you want your potential and current customers to see your brand stand for? Seems…
Read Morenews and insights from creatively yours.
news and insights
Most experts agree that a definitive recession is unlikely in 2025 but the economic forecast and data do suggest that growth will be extremely sluggish, potentially even zero. With high interest rates, increasing costs and market uncertainties all conspiring to give your business quiet periods throughout the coming year. When you are in one of…
AI Powered! The first video game, according to certain criteria, chief of which is the fact that the game has to be generated from a video signal and that the game play takes place on the screen, goes back to July 1952. It was not many years later that the same computing power of that…
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kettering, northamptonshire
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great yarmouth, norfolk